About Us


Offer “One Stop Solution” to our various markets, customers and suppliers and be preferred supplier to our customer..


  • Develop long term Mutually Beneficial Relationship with suppliers and customers sustained with economic value addition.
  • Creation of “Export Home Markets”.
  • Forging Enduring Relationships based on Commitment, Mutual Trust & Confidence.

About Us

We are Spar General Trading – a leading sourcing and Supply Company based in U.A.E with representative offices in India, China, Nigeria, Ghana and Saudi Arabia. We are a one stop destination for all your Paper and stationery requirements. We offer all grades of Writing, Printing, and Packaging papers. We sell to over 36 countries of the African Continent, USA, UK, Europe, Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. More than 60% of our Sales is to End Users. Our team is fully sensitized to the needs, expectations and requirements of Printers and Converters.



We sell to over 36 countries of the African Continent, USA, UK, Europe, Middle East and the Indian subcontinent


Direct Clients

More than 60% of our Sales is to End Users. Our team is fully sensitized to the needs, expectations and requirements of Printers and Converters.



We can customize your products and deliver them to you within a controlled deadline.

Our Impact

From the very beginning, we have extended our portfolio which amplified with us expanding our reach in China, Middle East and Africa.

Our extensive International experience has made us extend our services in manufacturing and trading of quality paper and paper products.

We can customize your products and deliver them to you in a controlled deadline.

You can rely on us as our other customers in various parts of the word have put trust in us.


Our Core Values

Our extensive International experience has made us extend our services in manufacturing and trading of quality paper and paper products

Provide Right Quality

Provide Right Quality

Best Service

Best Service

Value Addition To Meet Customer

Value Addition To Meet Customer